Taking care of your employees’ wellbeing is one of the smartest moves you can make as an employer. It has been said before, but they are your most valuable assets.
And when they are healthy and happy it helps you. Reams of academic research has shown that they are more productive, have fewer sickness absences and stay with you longer.
So, building a successful health and wellbeing strategy will improve your bottom-line. But, more importantly, it will help you fulfil your duty of care towards your employees.
Wellbeing at work has three elements, physical, financial and mental, each impacting on the others. But there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. We drill down into your needs and wants.
The first job of your expert at Mattioli Woods, therefore, is to listen. To work out your goals and help you create a personalised health and wellbeing strategy. We want your people to feel good and your business to enjoy a tangible productivity return.