Our overriding passion is to deliver the best possible outcomes for the people who trust us to look after their wealth and their employee benefits. It is a responsibility we feel privileged to shoulder, whether that be through pensions, investments, or new innovations.
A word from our CEO…
“Hello, my name is Ian Mattioli and I’m CEO and co-founder of Mattioli Woods. Founded over 30 years ago, we now employ more than 1,000 people at locations across the UK.
Of course, all this represents a sea of change from our humble beginnings; when Bob Woods and I decided to give up secure jobs to go-it-alone in an industry where we felt bad practice was rife and clients were being short-changed.
If you like, we wanted to challenge the status quo. We were disruptors, seeing what was wrong and wanting to make a difference. In some quarters, that made us unpopular. Yet, we knew what was right.
Today, as back then, our overriding passion is to deliver the best possible outcomes for the people who trust us to look after their wealth. It is a responsibility we feel privileged to shoulder, whether that be through pensions, investments, or new innovations.
Innovation has been crucial to the Mattioli Woods success story and remains paramount to our future progress and prosperity. However, moving with the times doesn’t mean we’ve forsaken the values and virtues that have served us so well through the years.
Indeed, many of the original investors from our days back in the garage are still with us and, at last count, our client satisfaction rate was sitting at more than 99 per cent.
Today, we look after more than 16,000 investors across the wealth management and employee benefits spectrums, while we have over £16 billion of assets under management, administration and advice. We continue to look to grow the business, both organically and – where the fit is right – through acquisition.
The group takes seriously its moral and social responsibilities too, particularly in the communities it serves. You can read more about our involvement with national and local charity support here.
We are also big supporters of sport and, among others, have engaged in sponsorship of Leicester Tigers Rugby Club and world record-holding wheelchair racer Sammi Kinghorn, whose career we have backed from its infancy.
All of this makes me extremely proud to lead such a dynamic, financial services business.”
To provide the best wealth management and employee benefits outcomes for our clients.
To create a sustainable business that delivers financial expertise with integrity and passion, enabling our clients, employees, shareholders, suppliers and communities to achieve their goals.
Our culture is based on professionalism, putting clients first and adopting a collegiate approach. Retaining the integrity, expertise and passion of our people continues to be a priority coupled with a strong compliance culture focused on delivering positive customer outcomes.
We enjoy delivering great outcomes for our clients.
We share our knowledge and ideas profitably, inside and outside the business.
We understand and anticipate our clients’ needs, some of which they may not realise they have.
We invest in our people, building our technical expertise and our capacity to grow.
We are simultaneously efficient, knowledgeable, ambitious and innovative.
We seek to take advantage of positive and negative circumstances, recognising that our markets change, evolve and sometimes surprise.
We are professional and have a great standing among our peers/investors because we have integrity, expertise and a great track record.
We are trusted advisers, creating, developing and managing our own products where they are best for clients and we outsource when others do that better.
We love doing business tomorrow with people we do not know today.
We treasure all our communities supporting local and national good causes and our people.