News and insights

Discover the latest news, service updates, trends, and research from the Mattioli Woods team. Whether you are looking for information on behalf of your business, or for you and your family, our team of experts cover a wide range of topics in our latest news and insights.

About Mattioli Woods
| 3 minutes
Highlights include total client assets of the Group and its associate increasing £4.5billion to £15…
| 3 Minutes
Investment Line is a regular investment bulletin produced by Mattioli Woods plc. The communication…
| 2 Minutes
Investment Line is a regular investment bulletin produced by Mattioli Woods plc. The communication…
Financial planning
| 5 minutes
Discretionary trusts are often used as an important part of estate planning. They can be very tax…
| 3 minutes
Following an uncertain 2021 many of us are looking forward to a healthier and happier 2022.…
Asset Management
| 6 minutes
2021 saw strong gains made in most developed stock markets, as the global economy picked up…
Asset Management
| 5 minutes
As we head into 2022, Mattioli Woods’ Asset Management team are delighted to share five of our…
Financial planning
| 5 minutes
Having an up-to-date and legally binding Will means that you can control how your estate is divided…
About Mattioli Woods
Mattioli Woods plc (AIM: MTW.L), the specialist wealth management and asset management business,…
Financial planning
| 3 minutes
January is commonly the longest month that salaried employees have to cope with before a pay day…
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